Friday 3 February 2012

God's Faithfulness

All of us were born with dreams, goals, hopes and longings for what we hope our future will hold. Sometimes our dreams line up with what our Creator had in mind when He made us. Sometimes those hopes and longings don't match His purpose for our lives. If we submit and are willing to fulfill anything our Creator designed us for, He will be faithful to show us His plan for our lives. It isn't about our finances or our abilities or our determination to achieve something significant in life. No, it's something that all of us can afford- Submission.
Recently I've been thinking a lot about this with trying to figure out what the next step is in life for me personally. I attended a youth rally where the speaker was one of my teachers from Thailand who is in the USA with his family right now. He talked about a Jealous God who wants (and deserves) all glory in our lives, Living Passionately, and the Place of God in our Lives. If we can believe that God uses all things for our good and never wants to harm us, we can trust Him and keep Him in His right place in our lives. If we don't believe Him, we will try to control our lives. Right now, I'm not exactly sure what my next step is but I'm at peace, knowing that I'll be shown at the right time.
Over the years, I've heard the "green light" guide for getting direction in life- if you feel peace about it, if your parents agree with it and God seems to be putting His blessing on it, you can move ahead. If one of these isn't positive, you should take caution. Another guide I've heard is to follow peace. If you feel peace about something, go for it. If you don't, stick with the last thing you felt peace about. It would be interesting to hear what your parents and what cliches the culture of Asia has for making wise decisions.
Some upcoming events I plan to attend include a anti-human trafficking prayer meeting this weekend and a Seminar on Vision next month. I will be attending that Seminar with the committee I work with to facilitate a kids club. Some of these things include so muchgood stuff that could be done to make a difference, but I'm a human and eventually I burn out. But if it's part of what my purpose is, it's what I'm called to, and I know it's what I'm supposed to do, I know that I'm given an energy that supercedes my understanding.
As an assignment, I was asked once to write out my vision statement for life. To write out what I feel fits my gifts and my calling along with my goals to achieve it... In the years since then it's been interesting to see how well that has fit what the Creator wrote in my story. You may enjoy writing down a statement for yourself sometime!
No matter what circumstances there are in your life, there is a reason, and a purpose for those difficult things and there is even a greater purpose for you. You weren't an accident in a world that commits abortions, and does all kinds of evil things. Your Creator made sure you were alive when you were born because He has a plan for you. You weren't a mistake. You were thought of centuries before you existed. Are you willing to live out that purpose?
Don't use poverty as an excuse. Someone once said poverty is not the absence of money but of relationship. Lack of relationship with God, yourself, others and creation is true poverty. Some of you have richer relationships then the man with the most money on earth. Money shouldn't ever make a difference in how big you dream, how much you attempt to achieve or how much you trust God. No, if you have a network of people around you who care about you, you aren't poor. When I travel in Asia, I've noticed that Asians appreciate those relationships a lot more then Westerners. And I have things to learn from you on that!
Trying to live my life with purpose! Praying that you are doing the same...

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